Preventive Pediatric Dentistry- A Key To Avoid in Children

Pediatric dentistry means ensuring your child's baby teeth stay healthy by providing professional dental care and preventing them from tooth decay and other dental diseases. The sooner the child begins getting regular dental checkups, the healthier their oral cavity will stay throughout their lives. Children with healthy teeth chew food easily, learn to speak clearly and are more confident.

Preventive dentistry focuses on protecting your child's teeth  from plaque accumulation, gum disease, tooth decay and other oral health conditions before any serious treatments are needed.

Why is preventive care important?

  • Helps in preventing dental problems like tooth decay, cavities and gum diseases.
  • Early detection of oral conditions, any abnormalities or harmful habits.
  • Preserve tooth enamel and make it stronger to avoid sensitivity and decay.
  • Helps your kids learn how to care for their teeth and develop dental habits that ensure oral health in upcoming years as well.
  • Improves oral and overall health- The mouth is a breeding area for harmful bacteria, so oral health is directly associated with general well-being. By keeping the mouth sterile and free from harmful bacteria, you can avoid secondary infections and diseases.
  • Pocket-friendly- expensive dental procedures can be avoided if the dentist helps in preventing tooth damage.

What does preventive dentistry include?

What does preventive dentistry include?

It includes a wide range of at-home and in-office practices

Preventive dental care at home

Preventive dental care at home

Oral hygiene practices:- Brushing teeth for 2 minutes twice a day i.e in the morning and just before bed-time, preferably with a fluoridated toothpaste. Flossing daily between your teeth. Parents can help their child by establishing an enjoyable oral hygiene routine- two times brushing and flossing rituals. During brushing time, play your child's favourite song or make up one brushing song or develop a family oral hygiene activity to encourage their child regarding oral health care.

Limit sugary treats:- Candy, chocolates, cake, cookies, chips, sodas, juices are sticky in nature and adhere easily to the tooth surface. Bacteria feed on sugar leftover in the mouth causing acid production which damages enamel leading to cavities. So, limiting sugar intake and simply rinsing the mouth with water after consuming sugar can limit cavities.

Healthy diet:-  A healthy teeth-friendly diet should be incorporated in the diet plan of a child which includes plenty of fruit and green leafy vegetables. Foods rich in Vitamin C like citrus fruits and leafy greens can help in preventing gum diseases. 

Professional dental care (at-office)

  • Dental examination:- Your child's first dental visit should start as soon as the first tooth erupts. Ensure that the child visits the Paediatric dentist every 6 months to keep oral hygiene in check and to look for any preventive measure to avoid any dental decay or gum diseases.
  • Scaling for kids:- Dental scaling or cleaning is done by ultrasonic scaler tips which removes food debris and plaque where toothbrush cannot access, providing bacteria free oral environment and preventing gum diseases.
  • Fluoride treatment:- Fluoride is a natural mineral that provides strength to the uppermost layer of tooth i.e enamel and makes them less susceptible to decay. Pedodonttist may recommend fluoride varnish, gels or rinses 2-4 times in a year depending upon the child's age and cavity risk. It works on the smooth surfaces of the teeth and reduces chances of cavities and can also reverse early stages of decay.
  • Dental sealants:- Molars or back teeth usually have deep and rough pits, grooves and fissures which can accumulate food particles and germs making them more prone to cavities. Sealants are thin protective coatings which are applied to the chewing surface of molars to prevent plaque accumulation.
  • Sports Mouthguards:- A customised fitted mouthguard can prevent an oral injury when participating in sports or any other physical activities. 

When should a child visit a dentist for preventive care?

When should a child visit a dentist for preventive care?

As soon as your child’s first tooth erupts is an ideal time to begin preventive care. Paediatric dentists can identify problems early on and prevent them rather than trying to repair the damage once it’s done. If you feel like you’re lacking in maintaining your child’s dental care, just relax and schedule an appointment before it's too late. Remember “Prevention is always better than cure”. Preventing dental problems is always easier, pocket-friendly and less traumatic for children than the treatment.

Faq on Thumb Sucking & Mouth Breathing

Faq on Thumb Sucking & Mouth Breathing

1. Is thumb-sucking a natural habit?
Yes, sucking your thumb is considered a natural habit until age 4. Most children give up on this habit by themselves. But the continuation of the habit beyond age 6 will result in mal-alignment of teeth and needs correction by various methods guided by your dentist.

2. What are the adverse effects of thumb sucking?
Thumb sucking can cause problems like callus formation or cracked skin on the sucked digit. It affects the palate floor, constricts the upper jaw, and opens the bite, resulting in a gap between the upper and lower front teeth. Prolonged thumb-sucking may also affect the way teeth are aligned.

3. How to break thumb-sucking habits?
The most effective option is communication and positive reinforcement of healthy behaviors with rewards or praise rather than punishment. Discourage the behavior by putting a bandage on your thumb or covering the hand with a sock at night. Help your child in reducing stress. Consult a dentist. They might recommend using a bitter medication, a thumb-sucking guard, or a dental appliance (in rare cases) that can be placed in the mouth to remind and discourage thumb-sucking constantly.

4. What are the problems caused by mouth breathing?
Mouth breathing can lead to various dental issues like bruxism (teeth grinding), temporo-mandibular joint disorder (TMJD), myofascial pain, teeth erosion, mal- alignment of teeth, protrusion of upper front teeth, gum disease, dry mouth leading to cavities, impacted teeth, bad breath, dry and chapped lips.

5. What Causes Mouth Breathing?
Nasal congestion due to allergies, cold, or sinus infection, Deviated septum, Enlarged tonsils or adenoids, Small jaw, Obstructive sleep apnea, Nasal polyps, Stress and anxiety can lead to breathing through the mouth instead of the nose. These factors soon lead to habitual mouth breathing.

6. How is mouth breathing treated?
It is identifying the underlying cause and treating them accordingly. Consulting a dentist who might recommend an appliance to widen the palate and help open the sinuses and nasal passages. Oral screens can be given to break the habit. Braces and other orthodontic treatments also help to treat the underlying cause of mouth breathing.

What to Expect at Your Initial Invisalign Appointment?

What to Expect at Your Initial Invisalign Appointment?

Invisalign treatment is straightforward and uncomplicated. The days of tacky and sticky impression materials that could cause nausea and bad taste are long gone. As the world evolves and develops, so does the field of dentistry.

On the initial visit, our experienced orthodontist (Invisalign specialist), Dr. Ravneet Kaur, providing best Invisalign in Vasant Vihar, Delhi, will perform a clinical examination of your teeth and facial profile to determine what dental and esthetic issues must be addressed.

Before beginning treatment, software and applications are used to capture images of your teeth and face, which are then shared with our doctor.

In addition, your teeth will be scanned using the Invisalign ITero scanner. In addition, the Invisalign team's proprietary software aids in the creation of a 3-D treatment plan, allowing you and your doctor to virtually observe the changes and appreciate the difference.

Once the records are completed, the Invisalign aligners are produced and shipped to you within 14 to 21 days.

Invisalign is accessible to everyone and anyone. So what are you waiting for? Start your clear aligner journey today!

For more information on Invisalign cost in Delhi, visit the Dr. Ravneet Kaur.

About Consultation

Clinic 1 : Aspen Dentals
SPO 223, 2nd floor, Office Block DLF South Point Mall, Golf Course Road, Sector 53, Gurugram

Clinic 2 : Vasant Vihar
A10/3, Block A, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110057

Clinic 3 : Gums n Braces
Block O, House no 15, Lower Ground floor, South City 1 near Sec 40 Police Station, Gurugram, 122001

Clinic 4 : Aspen Dentals
Kids & Adult Dentistry 118, 119, Tower II, M3M Tee point, near Trump Towers, Sector 65, Gurugram, Haryana 122102

Clinic 5 : Chittaranjan Park
Dr. Raghu Ram clinic, J 1850, Bipin Chandra Pal Marg, J-Block, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi, Delhi 110019

Timings: Monday to Sunday: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM


Phone: +91 8595300447

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